The Difficult Divorce and Divorce Mediation
We get calls all the time from Spouses who say that their divorce is going to be easy. It rarely is. More than 50% turn out to be difficult. What is a difficult divorce? It is simply a divorce in which one or both parties refuses to agree on one or more issue regarding the house, the other assets and liabilities or the children. There are many reasons why Spouses do not agree. See if you can identify yourself in any of these examples:
Splitting into two households means there is not enough money to maintain the same lifestyle as before the divorce. When there is not enough money, Spouses tend to fight over support issues, distribution of money from the sale of a house, and who takes the debt. Aggressive Spouses will often use guilt, manipulation, and intimidation to get their way. In divorce mediation at the Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation, we make sure that the aggressive Spouse does not get his or her way.
One of the Spouses feels betrayed by the other, due to an affair. When there is an affair, the Spouse who has been betrayed is often resentful, angry and ready to get even. He or she holds out for whatever he or she can get, as a punishment to the other Spouse. Sometimes, the betrayed Spouse delays the divorce proceedings in order to frustrate the other Spouse.
One of the Spouses is an addict or alcoholic. In that case, the other Spouse has hard decisions to make about the children. Often the other Spouse restricts visitation and transportation.
One of the Spouses has shown a marked tendency to not hold a job. One woman in our practice seeking a divorce said: Why should I work when he can support me the way I want. When one of the Spouses has not upheld the financial agreement between the two, the other Spouse is usually disgusted. However, this Spouse is usually willing to walk away with nothing from the other Spouse in order to get out of the marriage.
Contact us at the Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation to set up a free session. Call at 631-757-1553 or email us at info@lidivorcemediation.com. To learn more about Fred Klarer, please click on his name and read.