Long Island Divorce Mediation

Set Your Mind At Ease

Divorce Mediation in Suffolk County & Nassau County

Mediation Lawyer at Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation, Suffolk, County, NY

Fredrick Klarer, Esq

Divorce Mediator Attorney

Diane Kramer, LI Center for Divorce Mediation

Dr. Diane Kramer

Divorce Mediator

Ready to Get Started? Mediation is Less Stressful, Faster & Less Costly

Fill Out Our Contact Form, or Call
631-757-1554 for Info, Costs and Free Session.

Why Choose Us

  • 5-star divorce mediators
  • 25+ years experience
  • Less costly than divorce litigation
  • Husband/wife team

For your safety, we are also scheduling Divorce Mediation sessions on ZOOM, an incredibly easy virtual platform. It is easy and many of our clients are using this platform with us. It’s very much like meeting in person.

Our Process

Download our Free Divorce Mediation Checklist!

Customer Reviews

If you and your spouse have made the decision to get a divorce, you want to be able to start your separate lives and embrace this new chapter as soon as possible. Divorce is never easy. Seeking an amicable resolution can help make the process less painful on both sides. Drawn-out, costly litigation only adds to the stress and fear. The alternative is working together without the presence of a feuding divorce attorneys in a public courtroom. That’s where our expert divorce mediators come in. You will find divorce mediation Long Island Center style to be less costly and less stressful.

The Best Divorce Mediators in Suffolk County, NY

Divorce Mediation Long Island Separation Agreement

At the Long Island Center of Divorce Mediation, we have experience as a top divorce mediation lawyer in Suffolk County. This allows us to provide unparalleled expertise in negotiating and mediating the distribution of property, financial assets, and child custody. Unlike other divorce mediation lawyers, we can provide invaluable emotional and psychological support for any parenting and family issues that you face. We help you find the best solutions for your circumstances, while providing the compassion and guidance you need to navigate the process and move forward.

For many years, most of the area’s divorce lawyers were against having a mediated settlement to end a marriage. As more and more families discovered the benefits of divorce mediation, the field shifted and became saturated with divorce attorneys turned mediators, simply seeking another means of revenue.  In contrast, Fred and Diane, opened one of the first divorce mediation centers, and have since helped hundreds of spouses resolve their marriages in a less stressful, less costly, and more amicable way.

Over Fred’s 30 years as a divorce mediation lawyer, none of his clients have ever had their agreements overturned. As a team, 98% of our couples complete their divorce mediation. Our countless referrals from friends and family, and our 5-Star Google reviews, continue to confirm our reputation as two of the best divorce mediators in Suffolk County.

Top Divorce Mediation Lawyer Who Offers You More

With so many mediators in the area to choose from, finding the right one may seem tedious and overwhelming. Very few mediators can offer the same experience and support as Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation in Suffolk County. Fred, a licensed divorce mediation attorney, and Diane, a divorce mediator psychologist, bring together skills and knowledge for every aspect of the divorce process. Every mediation is handled with the utmost professionalism and effectiveness.

Emotion is a major component of any divorce. With so many changes happening all at once, it can be a very difficult time for both spouses. As Buddhist Mediators, Fred and Diane are experts in reading the emotions of a couple and knowing when to push for a solution on particular issues and when to hold back, in helping maintain emotional calm and appropriate connectedness.

Our process as mediators recognizes the resentment and fear that you are facing, while striving to focus on the new life ahead of you. By helping you set aside the emotional aspects and focus on the daily needs of your lives, our clients realize that resolving these issues is simpler than you think. Especially when it comes to the custody of a child. We focus on the realities of work and school schedules, commutes, and more to help you realize it’s simply about managing how to get through each day.

Divorce mediators nassau countyUnderstanding Divorce Mediation in Long Island

Not every couple needs to litigate their divorce. More often than not, a cooperative process is what both spouses seek, but they believe hiring costly divorce lawyers and going in front of a judge is their only option. For couples who communicate respectfully with one another and want to come to a resolution that works for both sides, contacting a divorce mediator is the best solution.

When a couple chooses divorce mediation, a neutral third party meets with both sides to guide them toward an amicable resolution together. This process is led by a mutually agreed-upon, professional divorce mediator to help the spouses come to realistic agreements concerning the equitable distribution of investment assets, property ownership, child support, child custody, and other related issues. Divorce mediation can resolve these issues in a matter of weeks, saving you both valuable time and money.

The mediators chosen should have extensive experience and knowledge in divorce and family law. Your divorce mediation lawyer can help ensure the ability to negotiate and mediate effectively through all the emotional and financial complexities of divorce. Emotional issues of anger and pain often get in the way of reaching decisions. Our Long Island divorce mediation lawyers are a neutral third party to help you and your spouse find solutions without having to go through separate divorce attorneys. We help you stay objective and reach solutions that work.

Long Island Divorce Mediation, Suffolk County and Nassau County
Long Island Divorce Mediation, Suffolk County and Nassau County

The Journey Through Divorce Mediation

Once you and your spouse select a divorce mediator or divorce mediation attorney, you will set up a schedule for your weekly or bi-weekly mediation sessions. Over a span of one to a few sessions. (85% of clients at the Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation finish negotiations within two sessions), your divorce mediation lawyer will work with you both to craft a divorce settlement that provides each member of your family with the best quality of life as you part ways and move forward. The four main steps throughout divorce mediation are:

  1. Divorce Mediators lead Spouses to make decisions about all child and financial issues.
  2. The Mediating Lawyer draws up Stipulation of Settlement – a legal contract between
  3. Mediator Lawyer draws up Divorce Packet – legal paperwork needed for divorce in NY.
  4. Stipulation of Settlement and Divorce Packet are submitted to courts – 4-6 months later, you are legally divorced.

Mediation is a less stressful, less costly, and faster method of divorce. Mediating leaves you and your spouse in control of your agreements. Divorce lawyers and judges are not in charge. Even difficult cases can be settled through mediation if both parties share a willingness to work together.

For 25 years, Long Island Divorce Mediation Center in Suffolk County has successfully led thousands of couples through the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of mediation, helping them effectively communicate and collaborate to find a resolution that works for both parties.

As divorce mediators, Fred Klarer, Suffolk County Divorce Mediator Lawyer and Dr. Diane Kramer, Suffolk County Divorce Mediator and Psychologist will guide you to resolve all conflicts and make decisions about the key divorce issues. This includes finances, support, the house, pensions and the children. Then, Fred, our experienced divorce mediation Long Island lawyer prepares all paperwork needed for your divorce, at mediation rather than lawyer rates. Every step of the mediation process is handled at our location, making your experience even easier and faster for you.

Anticipating Your Experience with Our Divorce Mediation Lawyers

If you live in Suffolk County, Nassau County, or Long Island, we recommend scheduling a meeting with our divorce lawyer mediator to participate in the mediation process. Once you set up mediation with a divorce attorney, the entire process usually takes a few weeks. With traditional divorce lawyers, the process could take months or even years, especially if the divorce is contested. However, a mediation divorce attorney makes the process easier, faster, and a lot less stressful. There’s no need to go to court or stand before a judge with mediation.

The mediation process is less intense, but often just as effective as a court case. There’s no need to sit around waiting for a court date, either. You’ll be able to get your divorce finalized in a fraction of the time and in a less stressful environment. As a mediation divorce attorney, it’s our job to help both parties come to an amicable agreement within just a few sessions. 

If you’re looking for a divorce lawyer mediator in Suffolk County or the surrounding areas, be sure to contact Long Island Divorce Mediation in Huntington at (631) 757-1553 and in Yaphank at (631) 757-1554 today.

We take pride in the fact that none of our agreements have been overturned in Court. 98% of our clients complete their Divorces and Legal Separations with us

Benefits of Choosing Divorce Mediation Over Divorce Litigation

The outcome is determined by you and your spouse together, giving you control of the experience and how long it takes. Even if mediation doesn’t result in a full agreement, the process will allow you to narrow the issues in dispute for litigation, offering very little risk to couples who attempt this method first.

In many cases, spouses can work with their divorce mediation lawyer to come to a resolution in one to three sessions. Mediations also don’t have a time limit, so there’s no pressure from the courts or your divorce lawyer’s billable hours to force a resolution before you’re ready.

Mediation doesn’t require either side to be represented and the courts aren’t involved, so there’s no costly battle, saving a lot of money for both parties.

When you hire a divorce attorney and your divorce goes to court, all filed declarations of accusations made against each spouse become public record. Working with divorce mediation lawyers is completely confidential; handled between you, your spouse, and the mediator in private – no combatant divorce attorneys in Long Island, NY looking for evidence to use against you. At no point does your divorce mediation lawyer require any filed declarations, so you can both maintain your reputations and resolve your issues in private.

Mediation gives both parties the opportunity to share their true feelings and opinions without the presence or judgment of divorce attorneys and court witnesses. Mediation ensures that the communication is constructive, creating a safe space for both parties to talk things through. This eliminates the tension and defensiveness of a ‘one side vs. the other’ structure, and in many cases, makes the relationship stronger than it was before.

Since mediation focuses on cooperation and mutual agreement, it’s a much less formal process than courtroom litigation. The process is designed to produce more creative solutions and positive compromise to best handle all the changes in a couple’s life post-divorce.

Our Divorce Mediators in both of our two Divorce Mediation offices in Yaphank and Huntington will be happy to answer all questions.

Here are the Need-To-Know Questions Most of Our Clients Ask at the Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation - and Our Mediators Answer:

Ending your Marriage

In ending your marriage through divorce mediation, you and your spouse decide your own divorce – together. Many want a mediator rather than a divorce lawyer because lawyers are expensive and charge by the hour. Instead, you and your spouse meet with our Center’s Long Island divorce mediators in private.

Mediator’s Role

With your mediators’ help and guidance, the two of you make decisions about all divorce issues. You both can end your marriage as amicably as possible, while spending far less money, time, and effort. You will find our divorce mediator Long Island lawyer, Fred Klarer, and divorce mediation Long Island psychologist, Dr. Diane Kramer, will lead you to a rapid, less costly, and less stressful solution than you can imagine.

Issues to mediate include:

Issues to Mediate

Child Custody and Child Support
Distribution of Finances
Property, Including the House
Spousal Support (formerly alimony)
Your Pensions, Taxes and Debt

For more information, check out our services.

If your Spouse absolutely refuses to cooperate into coming to Divorce Mediating, you can seek out a divorce attorney and sue your Spouse for Divorce the high cost of pursuing Litigation and hiring a divorce attorney, in addition to the unpredictability of the results in the Court.

Once you have started the process of divorcing, it is our expertise as highly-qualified and knowledgeable divorce mediators and lawyers that will help the two of you reach an agreement. Our top divorce mediators can help even when there is a lot of conflict and anger.

Many people don’t realize that there are laws and guidelines that determine many of the divorce issues handled during mediation in New York. For instance:

The Following Is Handled During Divorce Mediation:

  • Child Custody
  • Child Support 
  • Spousal Support
  • Financial Division & Assets
  • Property 
  • Pension

Divorce Mediation Long Island

In working with a Divorce Mediator, you will most likely reach a better agreement. You will get there with FAR LESS TIME, FAR LESS MONEY, and FAR LESS STRESS. Our mediators are the best in Suffolk County at finding an amicable resolution as efficiently as possible, so you can both move on with your lives.

Why Choose Mediation?

How can you reach a better agreement in a mediation process? By being able to remain in control. In Divorce Litigation, the divorce lawyers and the Judge are in control. Often, the Judge will dictate the final Agreement between you and your spouse.

In contrast, our highly experienced Divorce Mediators will help you customize solutions to fit your unique circumstances. Unlike divorce attorneys during litigation, we work together with both spouses, so both opinions are heard and part of the final resolution.

Since New York State has a no-fault divorce, if one of you wants a divorce, it will happen. Divorce Mediating is the less expensive, less stressful, and faster alternative to divorce lawyers and litigation. Read Long Island Divorce Mediation Better than Litigation to learn more.

As you pursue a divorce, the question you face is – which Mediation Service to use? It’s not an easy choice as there are many options. Here is why we recommend our divorce mediators – why we believe we offer the best mediation services in Suffolk County:

Our aim – to provide high quality complete divorce mediator services to Suffolk County and Eastern Nassau County.

In November, 2017, we opened a second  mediation office in Yaphank – right off Exit 68 of the Expressway.

Our Experience as Mediators on Long Island

We trained as neutral divorce mediators and opened our first office. Now, we have 25 years of experience under our belts. We have mediated every situation imaginable as the top divorce mediation attorney and psychologist in the area.

And 98% of our cases complete the Mediation process. Only a handful go to Court – only when one Spouse absolutely refuses to compromise. The end result – is usually that the Spouse ends up getting less from the Judge.

Please contact our divorce mediators for a quote. Costs vary based on the complexity of your situation – from approximately $2000 to under $5000. Our Mediation Centers are set up to offer reasonably priced services.

Our Personal Philosophy about Divorce

Divorce Mediation Long Island Suffolk County and Nassau County

As partners at our Divorce Mediation Long Island offices, Diane and Fred have been a husband and wife team for many years. Both of us divorced our first spouses a long time ago before becoming mediators.

We went through what you are going through now, and so we understand. As a result, we are better prepared to help you when the process gets difficult. As mediators, we believe that divorce can be less stressful, less costly, and less time-consuming than hiring divorce lawyers and settling in court. Our advantage – we have an experienced divorce lawyer who knows all the ins and outs of divorce law, as well as what kinds of decisions the Judge will make based on your specific case got to divorce court. This experienced divorce lawyer acts as your mediator at mediator prices, not lawyer prices. Our successful divorce mediation Long Island practice proves that this is possible.

We Are Proud to Provide Divorce Mediation Services to all of Long Island

We offer two locations for your convenience; both in Suffolk County, the largest county in New York with approximately 1.6 million people and stretching from the Nassau County border to the eastern ends of Long Island, Montauk and Orient Point. The Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation has two offices that provide services to Suffolk County and Nassau County. These offices serve those seeking divorce without litigation – an uncontested Suffolk County divorce through divorce mediation. Our Huntington Office serves Eastern Nassau County and Western Suffolk County. Our Yaphank Office serves Mid-Suffolk County and Eastern Suffolk County.

Our Office Locations for Suffolk County and Nassau County Mediation

Yaphank Office at Exit 68 of the Expressway

Our Yaphank Office opened in October 2017 and is growing briskly due to it’s highly convenient location no more than 30 minutes from a host of communities that feed into the Expressway. Our Yaphank Office offers a full range of divorce mediation services, including the mediation of all divorce issues, Stipulation of Settlement, divorce packet, parenting plan and child custody arrangements, spousal and child support and financial division of assets and liabilities.

— If you’re interested in learning more about our Yaphank Office, visit our page for more information

Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation
75 Prospect St.
Suite 103
Huntington, NY 11743

Hours of Operation:
M-F – 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Sat. – 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Our Huntington Office

This Suffolk County Divorce Mediation office serves Western Suffolk County and Eastern Nassau County Areas.

— Read about our services at our Huntington Office

Have We Answered Some of Your Questions? We hope so.

Long Island Center for Divorce Mediation
75 Prospect St.
Suite 103
Huntington, NY 11743

Hours of Operation:
M-F – 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Sat. – 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Long Island Center For Divorce Mediation has won 2021 Best of Huntington Awards for Divorce Service!

2021 award
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