Key Differences Between Mediation and Litigation

Key Differences Between Mediation and Litigation

Divorce is a complex process, but it can be done through mediation for a smooth process. Mediation with the help of divorce lawyers from Huntington, NY, offers both parties the opportunity to come to equitable agreements and avoid asking a court to settle the issues at hand.

Mediation Lets Both Parties Retain Control of the Situation

There are a lot of issues that have to be resolved before a divorce can be finalized. Engaging in mediation helps both spouses find ways to come to an equitable resolution for a given problem. It may not always be possible to satisfy both parties’ needs to retain control over property, but there are ways to agree that allow the divorce to proceed.

Going to litigation reduces the amount of control as it puts the decision-making process in the hands of the judge. A judge’s decision is final and binding and may not be to either party’s liking.

The Overall Cost and Time Spent is Lower When Going to Mediation

Mediation takes less time and doesn’t require as much preparation as going to court. Divorce mediators in Hauppauge can provide the same legal insight as a judge and help both spouses come to various agreements. The mediator looks at each separate argument regarding the issues at hand and suggests different ways to resolve the equitable problem.

Utilizing a divorce mediator is more efficient than going to litigation. Less time is spent on finding solutions and getting both spouses to agree to the proposed solution. This also results in lower attorney fees, allowing both spouses to spend less on their legal fees as they end their marriage.

There’s Less Overall Emotional Stress

Divorce is an emotional and stressful experience because you’re ending a relationship that’s rooted in the feelings both of you once had for each other. Sometimes, these emotions turn into unpleasant and negative emotions that are turned against the other spouse. Using a mediator to close out the marriage is not only a time-saver, but it can also prevent the escalation of these negative emotions that can come with litigation.

Mediation Maintains Privacy and Avoids the Public Eye

Taking a divorce to court creates a public record that anyone can access. That means coworkers, family, and random people can look up your divorce filing. It may feel like your privacy is being violated, but it’s an unfortunate aspect of having your divorce litigated in court.

Mediation keeps everything private, and nothing is released for the public to view as it takes place outside the court. All of your personal information is kept private, which means no one can find out anything about your divorce through any means.

Contact Long Island Divorce Mediation to Learn More

At Long Island Divorce Mediation, we understand the emotions and stress that divorce can create. We also understand how that can lead to one or both spouses making unfair or equitable decisions, which slows down the process. Our divorce mediators can help find solutions and resolutions that both parties can agree upon, including the settlement of real estate, assets, and, most importantly, the children’s needs.

Contact us today to learn more about how divorce mediation works or to talk to one of our divorce mediators and how they can help.