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5 Healthy Ways to Discuss Dividing Assets in a Divorce

5 Healthy Ways to Discuss Dividing Assets in a Divorce

When it comes to tense divorce topics, asset division easily tops the list. Between splitting a shared home, retirement accounts, and a seemingly endless list of other assets, arriving at a fair compromise can be a challenge. Further complicated by the emotional turbulence and uncertainty that comes with divorce, it’s imperative that both spouses demonstrate a willingness to calmly discuss and agree to reasonable financial terms.

If couples are unable or unwilling to do this, the unfortunate result is often months in court and thousands in additional legal expenses. Even if you or your spouse disagree on many topics, avoiding the overpriced “divorce court” route is always a possibility with divorce mediation.

During our constructive sessions, we work together to develop a balanced and legal financial agreement that addresses: 

  • Property Division
  • Bank Accounts
  • Retirement Accounts
  • Credit Cards & Loans
  • Physical Assets
  • & Other Relevant Financial Divisions

To avoid any potential tension caused by the topics above, here are 5 strategies we use (and recommend you try) to move forward with financial affairs and sanity restored. 

1. Focus on the Facts

When emotionally-charged topics transition into a conversation that revolves around the facts of a situation, heated tempers diffuse. While it is important to acknowledge relevant emotions, at the end of the day, dividing assets is about maintaining the well-being and quality of life of those involved. When the facts take precedence over the emotions, the resulting agreements remain rooted in truth. 

2. Do Not Rush the Process

Making important life decisions when you are angry or sad is never a good idea. To prepare yourself for the essential conversations ahead, we always recommend you take a step back from the situation before diving into the details. By taking the necessary time you need to begin the healing process, openly discussing a fair financial agreement becomes more realistic. 

3. Write Your Division Ideas Down

Before heading into the conversation, take some time to create an outline of your thoughts. For some, creating a list of important financial topics or writing down your ideas about how certain assets should be split may provide some clarity. 

4. Think About Others Involved

Another great tension-diffusion strategy involves taking the focus away from yourself. While you will most definitely be affected by the financial division, think about how a fair division of assets will benefit others. This may help you find the motivation to agree to an amicable discussion if you are hesitant about the process. Especially important when children are involved, dividing your assets with open-minded compromise is the easiest way to ensure that everyone has the stability they need post-divorce. 

5. Contact Our Unbiased Mediators for Guidance Today

Our divorce mediation firm addresses every sensitive financial topic in a neutral atmosphere, meaning you do not need to go to court. Through factual decision-making, legal expertise, and a focus on achieving mutually-beneficial outcomes, our experienced team will help you find a clear path towards a legal and fair financial agreement.

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